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Try Different Deodorants Now!

Try Different Deodorants Now!
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The grooming industry has no doubt become increasingly complex. Dudes are getting facials, and using eye cream and beard oil amongst other things. While there are definitely some tricks we're a little iffy about, there are a few staple grooming rituals that are a prerequisite for living a clean life.
We've already told you that you should be washing your face — if we have to go back over this again, it's a problem, dude — but there's another step we hope you're not skipping: applying deodorant. 
While we're not going to go over why you should be using it (ok, long story short, you stink) there're a few new options that have recently hit the market that either bring something different to the table, or make you see your old favorites in new ways. Below, check out five new deodorants and anti-perspirants worth giving a try.

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