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Unique Weight Loss Method

Starting Weight Loss
You have probably been told before to begin your weight loss with diet and exercise. But how do those words make you feel? Most of us have are mixed feelings about these concepts, which often connote suffering, hard work and little to show for it. Previously, I discussed how to make your exercise into. 
As I have also said before, eating a diet of nutrient-rich, mostly raw whole food can help control your weight. But another aspect of weight loss centers around the unique method pioneered by Simeons.
Everybody is different—and consequently, different weight loss methods work for different people. While healthy, moderated eating and regular exercise is above and beyond the expert-recommended way to a lighter frame, some people get creative and color outside the lines with their own get-it-done strategies. And there’s something relatable about that; we all dream of the day where we can eat dessert for breakfast and fast food daily without any weighty repercussions.
Although we don’t suggest you trust all of these wacky eating plans, we think it’s worth hearing about what other people did to drop more than a few jeans sizes. Like any big lifestyle change, the moral of the story is that you may find the most success by doing something that truly speaks to you. All that said, there are always these please do that won’t make your doctor cringe like some of these diets.
Please go here and downlod helpful guideline.
Hormone Effect
When I first heard about Simeons’ methods, I was doubtful like other physicians. Yet what I found in practice defied the skeptics, from the Food and Drug Administration to the other doctors who were unwilling to take a look. The weight comes off quickly because the daily hormone steals from storage fat and uses it as a source of calories. The storage fat areas shrink each day, and the patients feel good — without muscle wasting or that starvation sensation.

At the end of the 23 to 40 days, and after an additional three weeks of stabilization foods (no sugars, no starches), the patients effectively lost weight and down-regulated their set point, the level of weight at which their body tends to remain. In other words, weight loss holds quite well despite their return to normal caloric intake. It holds much better when patients consume predominately nutrient-rich and mostly raw whole foods.
Their success is even better if patients also use a method of cleansing and detoxification (liquid cleansing) and add nutritional supplementation. Simeons reported that in his one-, two- and five-year follow-up patient studies, 85 percent of the patients kept their weight off within 10 percent of their goal and nobody gained back all their weight. Those who did gain back more than 10 percent of their weight did so by eating unhealthy foods for quite a while.
Fat Types
In his original manuscript, Pounds and Inches, a New Approach to Obesity, Simeons described three kinds of fat:
  • Structural fat: Resembles packing material that surrounds internal organs, gives support to arteries, keeps skin smooth and taut and provides padding for bones around the body and under the bottoms of your feet.
  • Reserve fat: Functions as fuel which your body can freely draw upon when nutrients in your blood stream fall low enough and your organs demand energy.
  • Storage fat: Accumulates undesirably around the abdomen, hips, upper arms, buttocks, thighs and breasts.
Only storage fat creates unwanted pockets and the unsightly bulges of obesity. When obese people attempt to lose weight by starving themselves, they first lose reserve fat as fuel. When this is exhausted, they begin to burn up structural fat. Storage fat holds on.
Typically, when those who are obese restrict calories by starvation dieting, they feel famished and weak. They shrink in general; but their bellies, hips, buttocks, thighs and upper arms show little weight reduction. The fat covering the bones (structural fat) decreases, their skin wrinkles and they look old and haggard. This is in great contrast to the hCG protocol diet which works to use up storage fat. (And it really works.)
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In next week’s Easy Health Digest, I’ll explain the detailed protocol of this weight loss method.

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